
部门 剧院 & 跳舞 文学院 & 信


声明 & 反种族主义行动计划



The 部门 剧院 and 跳舞 is articulating and upholding a new departmental mission and vision that commits to daily Antiracist action and ongoing critical reflection. The following previously made statement outlines our commitment to Antiracist work:



我们听到你,看到你. The 部门 剧院 and 跳舞 at 萨克拉门托 State recognizes your trauma and pain. 我们是白人至上主义给你们造成痛苦的罪魁祸首, 部门和系统的种族主义, 和沉默. 我们深表歉意. We recognize and acknowledge that the extended silence and inaction are acts of violence. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter until humanity is available for all. 我们谴责警察的暴行和对黑人造成的持续创伤. We condemn the state sanctioned violence and inaction around the lives of George Floyd, Breonna泰勒, Ahmaud Arbery, 以利亚麦克莱恩, 迈克尔·布朗, 塔米尔大米, 桑德拉平淡, Trayvon马丁, 斯蒂芬克拉克, 托尼·麦克达德, 最近的是雅各布·布莱克以及名单上失踪的许多人. 我们致力于终身学习和成长. We take seriously your concerns and suggestions and ask that you hold us accountable for real progress and action. 我们正在积极改造我们的部门,以反映这一说法. The 部门 剧院 and 跳舞 will take ongoing actions including, but not limited to:

  1. Creating a webpage with an itemized list of Antiracist measures for our department.
  2. 为我们的社区提供更新,使我们的课程多样化
  3. 表现的机会.
  4. Working with our BIPOC faculty, 工作人员, 学生 and alumni for input and feedback.
  5. 参与反种族主义培训/研讨会和网络研讨会.

我们认识到,仅仅承认种族主义是不够的. 谴责种族主义是不够的. 我们必须有意识地、持续地选择反种族主义. 我们有许多工作要做.

The action plan below serves as a starting point and foundation for ongoing work with commitment to moving our critical reflections on equity, 包容和支持学生的日常实践, 同事及社会各界. 其中一些项目已经实施, 有些正在进行中,有些是需要时间的长期目标.


...发展多种形式的知识, 新方法, 和奖学金, 同时加强与校园内外不同社区的关系. 我们邀请您提供宝贵的匿名反馈.


另外, the following content areas will be addressed in future iterations of our Antiracist Action Plan: Co-课程/Season Planning/Casting, 等., Equitable Intersections between Community and Campus, and Land Acknowledgement.


How we teach as well as how we learn are integral aspects to classroom atmosphere. We will work to cultivate learning environments that highlight and center BIPOC 学生 in the following areas, 包括但不限于:

  • 公司lusive pedagogy – We acknowledge that 学生 learn in a variety of ways and we commit to diversifying our teaching methods and assessment tools.
  • Ongoing 文化能力– We will continue to implement trainings for faculty and 工作人员 with the intention of developing the ability to understand, 沟通, 并有效地与不同文化背景的人互动.
  • 消除内隐偏见——内隐偏见是普遍存在的. We pledge to be more conscious of our implicit biases and implement ongoing training to erode them.
  • Equity in Virtual Spaces – We will continue to foster and advocate for equity in our classrooms, 会议, 以及排练和表演空间,因为它们发生在网上.


我们承诺 to decolonizing our course offerings through implementing an intentionally Antiracist 艺术 Education that is inclusive of BIPOC scholarship and contributions as integral to our fields, by:

  • Decentering White voices and elevating contributions of BIPOC scholars/educators/practitioners
  • Addressing the problematic history of racism/misogyny/homophobia of our “canonized” voices
  • 各学士学位课程的必修课程多样化
  • 与不同的BIPOC社区合作伙伴开展正式实习


We dedicate ourselves to Antiracism as a fundamental department value by committing to Transparency, 文化能力, 沟通与问责, 除了:

  • 正在进行的反种族主义工作和部门发展的培训, including the Communities of Color Collective and the Antiracism Action Plan Work Group
  • Integrating Touchstones (The Little Book of Racial Healing by Tom DeWolf) within all Departmental affairs.
  • Ongoing support of Student Antiracism Advisory Group as a platform for 学生 to have a voice on departmental affairs.
  • 创建部门网站资源页BIPOC, LGBTQIA+
  • Creation of ongoing 会议 and spaces for dialogue regarding systemic racism in higher education theatre and dance programs and the professional fields that are inclusive of faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 校友及社区成员


我们学术使命的核心是多元化的教职员工, which is essential for robust and equitable decision making reflective of our student population. 我们致力于:

  • Amplifying and clarifying the recruitment and hiring process to increase access and equity
  • Developing departmental incentives for BIPOC applying for faculty and 工作人员 positions.
  • Strongly advocating with university and college leadership for much needed tenure track hires in support of BIPOC faculty.
  • 支持我们的BIPOC教师通过晋升, 考虑到与BIPOC教师学生评估相关的偏见.
  • 突出奖学金, 在一个可见的公共平台上为BIPOC教师提供服务和创造性研究
  • Providing outside dramaturgical support and mentorship for non-BIPOC faculty when a project or production delves into BIPOC/POC/LGBTQ+ experiences, 等. in order to ensure broader representation of student populations within the cast, 更深刻地理解故事背后的经历.
  • Advocating with the university and college to provide release time or compensation for BIPOC faculty contributing beyond normal position expectations as an advisor or resource for non-BIPOC faculty.


艺术 education has the ability to develop our humanity and our interaction with the world at large. 作为艺术教育的管理者, we articulate our commitment to 学生 in 剧院 and 跳舞 by cultivating and maintaining a supportive environment for BIPOC 学生 to thrive.

  • We must prioritize proactive BIPOC student mentoring and recruitment/retention for both undergraduate BA programs.
  • We are in the process of updating our mission and vision statements to reflect our commitment to Antiracism.
  • 我们提供BIPOC空间,为持续的自我护理提供机会, 疗愈, 赋权, 网络, 以及建设性的对话.
  • We have created the opportunity for the formation of a 剧院 and 跳舞 Student Antiracism Advisory Group. We will continue to support this diverse group when they offer input on departmental endeavors including Season Planning, 课程, 特邀艺术家甄选, 等.


...发展多种形式的知识, 新方法, 和奖学金, 同时加强与校园内外不同社区的关系. 我们邀请您提供宝贵的匿名反馈.


另外, the following content areas will be addressed in future iterations of our Antiracist Action Plan: Co-课程/Season Planning/Casting, 等., Equitable Intersections between Community and Campus, and Land Acknowledgement.