
包容性卓越学习 包容性卓越部


绿色 & 金质扬声器系列

绿色的 & 金质扬声器系列 was created to reflect the ideas expressed in our campus 包容的卓越 Statement which emphasizes our shared commitment to...

"work collaboratively upon principles of cultural humility and respect for all to create an atmosphere in which a sense of belonging within our community can flourish."


The purpose of the 绿色 and 金质扬声器系列 sponsored by 包容的卓越 is to offer a speaker series as a learning tool that elevates and promotes diverse voices of scholars, 思想领袖, 社区开发者, 公民权利和人权倡导者等.

The speaker series offers a range of formats from keynote speakers to panels in webinar, 面对面, 混合模式. Speakers are selected to address relevant and important topics and provide our campus with opportunities to learn and unlearn as a campus community.


2023-24年的绿色 & 金色扬声器系列的主题是 归属感之旅. 我们今年的重点是归属感. Belonging is a critical element towards self-actualization. 归属感意味着你有联系, 的关系, and the agency to co-construct your environment to reach the outcomes that will edify and elevate communities.

As we explore the belonging journeys of the Jewish, Latine, APIDA, and SWANNA communities. let's consider how their stories are distinct, similar, shared, and or collective.

Below are some guiding questions to help us consider ways we can build a culture of understanding others, 我们自己, and our interdependence as a community to support and uplift multiple communities.

  1. What did I learn about these communities that I did not know before the speaker series?
  2. 关于这些社区,我必须忘记什么?
  3. How might I support these communities in their efforts to belong?




绿色 & 金质扬声器系列壮举. 安东尼·奥坎波. 12号,联合舞厅12-2号

On 2024年2月12日星期一 from noon to 2 pm in the University Union Ballroom, we welcomed Anthony Ocampo, Ph.D. 作为绿党的特邀发言人 & 金牌演讲者系列:提高APIDA的声音.

Anthony Ocampo is a scholar and writer addressing issues of immigration, 种族和民族, 性别和性. He has been featured on CNN, 60 Minutes, and in the San Francisco Chronicle. 他是 The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race他最近在美国国家公共电台(NPR)早间节目中亮相.

在他的互动演讲中. Ocampo highlighted the ways in which anti-Asian hate intersects with justice and the carceral system. We also explored how storytelling helps to remove barriers, 创建的理解, and serves as a foundation for inclusion and social justice.


this is the flyer for the green and gold speaker sieries featurina picture of chella man seated on brown stool with small headshots of Barbara Brass, 马克斯Migdail, 斯文-埃里克·罗斯在他的左边. All of whom will be speakers at the event on October 16th from 2:20 -4 pm in the University Union Ballroom

On October 16, 2023, we welcomed to our campus (virtually) Chella Man for the 绿色 & 金质扬声器系列. 我们继续我们的 归属感之旅 与犹太社区.

Chella Man是一位纽约艺术家, 导演, and author whose work features the continuum of disability, 比赛, 性别, 和性. He identifies as being Deaf, trans, Jewish, and Chinese as well as determined, curious, and hopeful. Some of his accomplishments include publishing his first book, 连续体, being featured in gallery shows and artist residencies worldwide, launching a radically inclusive clothing line, working as a Deaf and trans-masculine model with IMG Models, and being cast as a superhero within Warner Brother’s DC Universe, 泰坦星的. He shared how his unique 身份 helps him understand belonging, 可访问性, 以及融入犹太社区.

Chella was followed by an informative panel presentation with second-generation Holocaust survivor Barbara Brass, Senate Consultant for the CA Legislative Jewish Caucus 马克斯Migdail, and UC Davis Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature and Director of Jewish Studies Sven-Erik Rose.


photo by Farah Sosa of Las Cafeteras band members. Two men in blue suits with black ties standing on either side of woman band member in a white dress seated in a tall 导演-style folding chair, 前面有一个浅蓝色的蝴蝶结. Another blue suited man sits slightly in front of the woman to the right.

2023-24年的绿色 and 金质扬声器系列 归属感之旅 theme kicked off on September 26, 2023, featuring Las Cafeteras in the University Ballroom.

Born and raised east of the Los Angeles River, Las Cafeteras has taken the music scene by storm with their infectious live performances that cross genre and musical borders. 它们的电声 & energy has taken them around the world playing shows from Bonnaroo to the Hollywood Bowl, 新西兰队对阵蒙特利尔爵士队, & 除了! 用英语唱歌, 西班牙语, and Spanglish and adding their own remix of sounds, 从摇滚到嘻哈再到牧场主. Las Cafeteras use music as a vehicle to build bridges among different cultures and communities and create "a world where many worlds fit."

Thanks to the Latine Community for co-hosting Beats of Belonging: Latine Revolution & 以Las自助餐厅为特色的修复. We explored belonging at an HSI with an interactive workshop that uses ‘conscious comedy,并参与有关种族的对话, 身份, 和特权. The workshop allowed participants to engage in the power of storytelling and to begin extracting their own personal narratives while working through breaking down stereotypes. Following the workshop, there was an amazing concert performance!

绿色 & 金音箱档案

探索我们过去格林的档案 & 金色扬声器系列特邀嘉宾.